National Public Safety Innovation Academy

Take the Next Step


NIA将为中层管理人员和未来的机构领导提供培训,以促进他们成为行政职位上有效的领导者. The training will not only benefit participants, 还有他们的机构和社区,因为他们从著名的演讲者和主题专家那里学习如何在当今环境中有效地领导.

As 技术 and trends change, 该课程将不断发展,以满足公共安全和刑事司法不断变化的世界所面临的需求和挑战. Conveniently located near Interstate 4 in Polk County, 佛罗里达, NIA为公共安全和刑事司法领导人提供了传统领导力培训之外的一种负担得起的创新选择.

Earning up to 12 college credits, 参与者将通过参加最先进的101课程来加强他们的专业知识,450-square-foot Polk State Center for Public Safety in Winter Haven. 他们还将在奥本代尔的家庭友好的全包式小屋享受舒适的住房, which features a business center, two swimming pools, laundry facility, 和健身. 卡巴纳小屋被公认为2022年《澳门新葡京博彩》十大最佳读者选择奖.

Participants who possess an associate degree or greater will be eligible for Public Safety Advanced Technical Certification. For participants already certified in the state of 佛罗里达, 本课程提供佛罗里达州执法部门(FDLE)强制再培训选修要求的资格.

  1. + What to Expect

    学杂费竞争激烈,比全国同类项目更实惠. The course is $3,500.

    The rigorous curriculum examines contemporary issues, explores future trends in public safety and criminal justice, 并为参与者提供技能和知识,以制定创新的政策和程序,以解决和指导各机构在当今气候下遇到的高责任情况.

    Participants will take part in a functional fitness 程序, led by Auburndale-based fitness center, 超适合, which includes weekly physical training, 并学习如何设计和实施积极的行为和生活方式的改变,以促进个人成长, 健康, and wellbeing. 参与者还将有部分机会使用超适合设施和设备,并有机会购买额外的设施或服务.

  2. + Class Schedule

    Classes are from Monday through Friday, beginning on Jan. 16, 2024. 参与者将在为期八周的课程结束时应用他们在顶点体验中学到的知识, which concludes on March 8.

    Weekly Training Schedule
    Week 1: Orientation and Servant Leadership
    Week 2: Predictive Analytics and Legal
    Week 3: Media
    Week 4: Drone and Futuristics
    Week 5: Mental Illness and Trauma Awareness
    Week 6: Public Safety Integration
    Week 7: Law Enforcement/Corrections
    Week 8: Capstone Experience and Graduation

  3. + Featured Speakers

    Eric Daigle
    The managing member of Daigle Law Group, 埃里克·戴格尔(Eric Daigle)在康涅狄格州警察局当了10年的骑警和侦探. 自2005年以来,戴格尔一直担任Southington警察局的后备人员. A certified instructor since 2004, Daigle has lectured on a wide variety of topics, including civil liability, search and seizure, use of force, and civil liability, among other topics. He serves as general counsel for multiple organizations, including FBI- Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (LEEDA). 自2004年以来,Daigle发表了数百篇文章,并经常为FBI-LEEDA insight杂志撰稿.

    An expert in strategic communications and irregular warfare, 安德里亚露目前担任战略能力集团战略能力建设项目部门主管, overseeing research and curriculum development. Dew has more than 20 years of experience in designing curriculum, previously serving as the Co-Director of the Center on Irregular Warfare & Armed Groups at the U.S. Naval War College and the T.C. Sass Chair of Maritime Irregular Warfare. Ph值.D. and published author, Dew has written four books and authored numerous articles on communications, irregular warfare, and lone-act terrorism among other topics.

    Steve Gregory
    史蒂夫·格雷戈里(Steve Gregory)是加州第一位获得和平官员标准与培训(POST)认证的在职记者. 格雷戈里自1993年以来一直在iHeartMEDIA工作,是媒体关系和危机沟通方面的专家. In 2016, 加州议会向他提交了一项决议,承认他对澳门新葡京博彩业和社区的贡献. Throughout his career, Gregory has provided on-the-scene coverage of the O.J. Simpson trial, Hurricane Katrina, and riots in Ferguson, 密苏里州, following the death of Michael Brown. Gregory has given presentations at many trainings throughout the United States.

    The founder of Excellence in Analytics, 黎明Reeby is a subject matter expert, keynote speaker, 教练, seasoned law enforcement analyst, and coach with nearly 25 years of experience in the development, 集成, and growth of data-driven strategies in law enforcement. 因其对分析界的贡献而获得2021年布莱恩·希尔IACA纪念奖学金, 里比曾作为战略专家与各级执法机构合作. An Amazon best-selling author, Reeby’s books, “Bigger Than Data – A Law Enforcement Analyst’s Roadmap to Marketability, Professional Development, 实现 & 和“建立犯罪分析遗产:执法主管建立持久遗产的路线图”, “高质量的分析能力”强调并帮助推进了分析在执法中发挥的作用.

Become a Leader

Public safety and criminal justice organizations are operating with a diverse, multi-generational workforce. NIA will give participants the knowledge to inspire others, transform organizations, and deliver results.

Inspire others: 激励和影响那些在我们的社区提供执法和惩教服务的人从来没有像现在这样重要. NIA将向参与者介绍和培训领导工具和技术,以积极领导他们的团队, strategically, and ethically.

Transform organizations: Using science, 技术, 工程, and mathematics (STEM), NIA will give participants the tools to surpass their goals, enhance their leadership skills, 并擅长采用先进的战略,进一步推进其快速变化的组织的使命. 学员毕业时将拥有丰富的实践技能,通过实施未来战略来促进变革和改造他们的组织.

Deliver results: NIA将培养一批杰出的公共安全和刑事司法行政人员,他们的影响力将通过前所未有的专业精神永远改变执法和惩戒服务. 完成课程的学员将为他们的职业生涯的下一步做好充分的准备,并变得有效, innovative administrators.