President’s Leadership Institute


澳门新葡京博彩通过为员工提供专业成长机会,发展其内部利益相关者的领导技能和才能,有着悠久的历史. 这一努力产生了每年两个具体的领导力发展项目, 授权领导者专业系列和总统领导力学院.

总统领导学院于2022年更新,与澳门新葡京博彩校长的愿景保持一致, Dr. Angela Garcia Falconetti, 谁注意到“投资于教职员工的专业发展不仅有利于员工?, but also our students and their success.”

这个领导力发展项目是为澳门新葡京博彩的教职员工提供的,为参与者提供了扩大他们的学习和经验技能的机会,以加深对个人和专业决策如何推动成功结果的理解. 参与者将参加全州会议和佛罗里达州立法机构的实地考察,并参与促进与同学和导师建立牢固人际关系的活动.  该计划为参与者提供必要的领导技能和信心,以便在工作场所和其他地方脱颖而出. 该计划的一个关键组成部分是大学影响项目,该项目要求参与者进行研究, evaluate, 并通过精心设计的提案创建有针对性的解决方案,解决澳门新葡京博彩生态系统内的特定需求. Over the years, nearly 50 of these proposals have been accepted and implemented, 所有这些都是为了提高澳门新葡京博彩的效率和活力.

Class IV Application: 2024-2025
(Applications available: July 1, 2024. Application deadline: August 30, 2024)

有关总统领导学院的问题,可直接向Dr. Craig S. Collins是公司和领导力发展的副总裁 or

  1. Benefits of Participation

    总统领导力学院的亮点包括DISC行为评估和相关的工作场所应用, mentor relationships focused on professional growth, experiential learning at conferences and in Tallahassee, local leaders as guest speakers, a cogent book study, and the enhancement of oral and written communication skills. 这些项目资产有助于培养参与者的领导技能意识和专业发展机会.

  2. Expectations of Participants

    每个参与者都参加了领导力建设的机会,以提高专业和个人技能. The following commitments are required for program participation:

    • 参加每月一次的总裁领导力学院专业发展课程(参与者在指定的日期/课程之外最多有两次缺席的机会).
    • Complete an individual DISC assessment and attend required DISC session.
    • Execute an individual project as outlined below.
    • 至少参加两次澳门新葡京博彩地区理事会会议.
    • Attend two Polk State College events (events to be determined by Class II) i.e. basketball game, concert, etc.
    • 前往塔拉哈西观看立法会议,并与州领导人互动.
    • Attend Leadercast Lakeland.
    • Participate in the institute’s graduation.

    Project Guidelines

    Each participant, over the course of the program, will work alongside a mentor to both select and conceptualize a project.

    • 在项目期间(最少)选择一名行政级别的导师,以指导你的领导力成长和你所选择的项目.
    • Develop and implement a project that has institutional impact, applicable to the participant’s current scope of responsibilities.
    • Monthly meetings with mentor.
    • Defend project before President’s Staff, administration, and program alumni.
  3. Responsibilities After Program Conclusion

    At the conclusion of the program, alumni from the President’s Leadership Institute alumni continue to:

    • 通过进一步参加总统领导学院,以他或她的经验为基础, various leadership opportunities, and the mentoring partnership.
    • Receive information pertaining to leadership advancement.
    • 透过教学与未来大使分享计划经验与协助, mentoring, and presentation events.
    • 协助项目的发展,完成项目评估,并提供项目如何影响和启发他或她的职业轨迹的书面摘要.
  4. Requirements for Participation

    • Be a full-time employee in a professional position at Polk State College.
    • Have a bachelor’s degree or certificate of completion for the ELPS program.
    • 在澳门新葡京博彩全职工作至少一年的专业职位.
    • 预计在完成总统领导学院后,将在学院至少待一年.

    Note: 以前的精英项目毕业生有资格申请总统领导力学院.

  5. Application Process

    With a supervisor’s approval and a departmental financial commitment of $1,000, 个人可以在规定的截止日期前提交申请和所需的证明文件.

    Note to Supervisors: 通过推荐员工参加,您确认该员工在以下列出的日期的外出时间承诺.

    The President’s Leadership Institute application, with all required documents, 必须在9月15日前提交给企业和领导力发展办公室, 2022.

    Required Documents for Application (to be uploaded as part of the electronic application)

    • 直接主管和主管部门的副校长的支持和认可信,对申请人的领导潜力进行评论,并表示支持他或她参加总统领导学院的所有活动.
    • A resume that includes leadership experiences, education background, and community and volunteer activities.
    • 一份打印的个人陈述,说明申请这个领导机会的原因. To include:
          • How participation in the Institute benefits professional goals.
          • How participation in the Institute is beneficial to the College.


    September 22, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Introductory Breakfast and Session I [REQUIRED]
    October 20, Session II
    November 17, Session III
    January 19, Session IV
    February 16, Session V
    March 22, Session VI
    March 26 – 28 (Tentative Dates: Tallahassee Legislative Visit)
    April 26, Session VII
    May 17, Session VIII
    August 1, Graduation [REQUIRED]

  6. Student Leader Scholarship
