


PDD 2021程序与录音



学习技术 Professional Development Series (see above)




入门课程 -在线教学认证的第一步, outlines the basic tools in Canvas and provides an opportunity to practice using each. 不仅限于那些寻求认证的人. 

在线教学课程 -在线教学认证的第二步, goes in-depth into best practices of online teaching and learning through the use of TOPKit (Teaching Online Preparation ToolKit) and also provides an introduction to Quality Matters standards for quality course design and accessibility. 不仅限于那些寻求认证的人. 

周一早上的咖啡休息时间 – As we continue to navigate the landscape of online and remote learning it is important to consider the trends that are evolving for us to stay current and relevant to our students. 学习技术定期发送电子邮件, 致全体教员, 帆布提示, webinar info and other important related information.

回形针通讯 -免费教师资源

学习科技支援课程 – This course provides a wealth of resources including “How To” documentation for all of our major tools in Canvas as well as video tutorials and ‘Peer 教师’ guidance through the sharing of best practices. 除了, there is a repository of recorded webinars that can be viewed from the weekly webinars that have been offered by 学习技术.

过去的网络研讨会 & 澳门新葡京博彩

FLVC-IDN Professional Development Webinar Series on Mental Health

Seeing “Green”: An Introduction to Mental Health Needs for Distance Learners – Part 1

记录: 查看网络研讨会
Ritzy Ettinger,佛罗里达大学
: This is Session 1 of the webinar Series on gaining knowledge about college student mental health needs, 减少污名, and empowering course designers/faculty to support students experiencing mental health challenges.

Seeing “Green”: Advanced Strategies for Supporting Students Experiencing Mental Health Distress – Part 2

记录: 查看网络研讨会
: This is Session 2 of the webinar Series on gaining knowledge about college student mental health needs, 减少污名, and empowering course designers/faculty to support students experiencing mental health challenges.

Honorlock Hosted Webinar: How To Survive Remote Teaching

Surviving Remote Teaching: Top 5 Things You Need to Know
日期: 周三, 2020年6月17日

记录: 查看网络研讨会

嘉宾: Gabriela Alvarez, Director of Learning Design and Innovation at FIU
描述: Recall evidence-based practices in online teaching, identify ways to integrate evidence-based practices to your course design, 描述FERPA的方式 & 无障碍政策适用于在线课程.


Title IX Considerations During Remote Learning and Tips for Making Your Course Inclusive and Equitable in the Online Environment.
日期: 周二, 2020年6月30日

记录: 查看网络研讨会 PPT: Title ix教师暑期教学系列.30.2020 
嘉宾: Val Baker, Chief Diversity Officer, 澳门新葡京博彩


Student Accommodations in the Online Learning Environment: What You Need to Know
日期: 周三, 2020年7月1日

记录: 查看网络研讨会  密码:6 y!PP17^  PPT: ADAtraining-facultyorientation
演讲嘉宾: Kim Pearsall, Office of Disability and Counseling Services, Director and Dr. Susie Moerschbacher,社会科学学院


日期: 周二, 2020年7月7日

记录: 查看网络研讨会  密码:5 x ^ ^ @b3& 文档: 点击这里
嘉宾: Cody Moyer, Director of 学习技术, Chair of DLC at 澳门新葡京博彩
This session will overview Polk State’s online teaching guidelines as outlined by the 远程教育委员会.


日期: 2020年7月22日,星期三

记录: 查看网络研讨会  文档: 在这里访问会话资源.
嘉宾: Kari萨宾, 健康与健康学院和梅丽莎·夏皮罗, 学生成功教练和Rashod Webb, 学生成功教练, 澳门新葡京博彩
Discuss the hard parts about teaching online as well as how to handle student issues at a distance from both a faculty and support perspective


How to Help a Student with Mental Health Challenges
日期: 2020年7月29日

记录: 查看网络研讨会 密码: 8 # F = + REl
嘉宾: Tracy Daniels, Jacqui Turner, Johanna Pelfrey, Baycare Health

描述: Students’ emotional wellbeing has a profound impact on their academic and professional achievements. When our students struggle with mental health challenges, they are likely going to struggle academically as well. How can you offer support and guidance to students who are suffering with mental health issues? What are some signs and symptoms of common mental health challenges, and what can you do when you recognize these in students? 通过获得一些精神疾病的基本知识, you can help your students access the support they need.


为波尔克州量身定制的培训, to equip and empower 教师 for the start of the semester using Honorlock
日期: 2020年8月6日

记录: 查看网络研讨会 密码: % ALU1V4%
嘉宾: Matt Schreiber, Customer Success Manager, Honorlock